Student Research Opportunities
Hands-on opportunities to participate in health innovation
AHS Undergraduate Research Expo
The College of Applied Health Sciences is excited to highlight the impressive research work done by our undergraduate students. These students are expanding their academic experience by participating in faculty research in the College. This year, 117 of these students choose to present their research at the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium on campus.
AHS Undergraduate Research Expo

For more information on the awards and winners, check out the Undergraduate Research Symposium page.
AHS Students at the 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium
- Allison Adler (CHLH), The Epidemiology of Physical (In)activity and Mobility Limitation Among the Oldest Old in Brazil
- Afnaan Afsar Ali (CHLH), Understanding the Preferences of Older Adults in Using Virtual Reality to Support Social Engagement
- Farheen Ahmed (KIN), An Examination of Differences in Anxiety and Depression Levels across Primary Modes of Physical Activity
- Bianca Alfaro (KIN), The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Children with Cerebral Palsy go Beyond Treatment: Indirect Impact of 24-hour Movement Behaviors
- Ava Amabile (SHS), Investigating Topic Maintenance and Organization to Advance Understanding of Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing
- Sinan Anwar (IHLT), Assessment Preferences and Accommodations: A Comparative Study in the Classroom
- Delaney Bach IHLT, The Influence of Dysphagia on Eating Behaviors in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis: A Literary Review
- Tristin Baker KIN, Cluster of Health Behaviors Associated with Obesity in Adolescents from Brazil
- Ryiah Barnes (CHLH), Storytelling as a Pedagogic Method to Promote Cultural Humility at a Student-Run Free Clinic
- Jonathan Blatchford (CHLH), Bridging Faith and Care: Navigating Religious Affiliation in U.S. Healthcare
- Sarah Blyskal (CHLH), Identities at Work in Opioid Management Conversations between Internal Medicine Residents and Standardized Patients
- Saiesha Bollapragada (IHLT), Public Health Preparedness Among UIUC Students During Extreme Heat Conditions
- Angelika Brzoziewski (IHLT), Comparison Between Craving Level and Adherence to Strategies Among Age Groups in Participants Enrolled in Weight Loss Program
- Olivia Burns (IHLT), Systematic Review on the Effects of Translation Technologies on Health Literacy in Adults
- Jahaira Bustos (IHLT), Overcoming Barriers: Recruitment Strategies for Older Latinos in Research
- Emily Butryn (IHLT), Systematic Review on the Effects of Translation Technologies on Health Literacy in Adults
- Sophie Campa (SHS), Increasing the Speech Intelligibility of Individuals with Down Syndrome in AI Voice Assistants
- Aubrey Cervantes (KIN), Mind Matters in Motion: Unraveling Affective Responses in High-Intensity Interval Training
- Angela Chahine (IHLT), Climate Change and Chronic Conditions: Crafting New Exercise Paradigms
- Abrahám Chávez (SHS), Testing Speech Intelligibility Using Firefighter’s Two-Way Radios
- Natalya Cheema (IHLT), The Influence of Dysphagia on Eating Behaviors in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis: A Literary Review
- Inna Chong (KIN), Using Best Practices For Graphical Communication to Share Social and Environment Data in an Environmental Justice Context
- Elenna Claudio-Deutsch (IHLT), Emotional Perceptions: Comparing and Contrasting Misophonia and Hyperacusis
- Maritza Concepcion (CHLH), RESPIRA+: A Culturally-tailored Yoga and Mindfulness Program to Decrease Psychological Distress and Increase Physical Activity among Latina Adolescents
- Janiya Daniel (IHLT), The Role of Community Health Workers on Physical Activity Interventions
- Samuel Deyhle (KIN), Cysteine and Glycine-rich Protein 1 (Csrnp1) is Differentially Regulated by Acute and Chronic Exercise to Impact Extracellular Matrix Remodeling
- Klayton Donoghue (KIN), Developing Content Acquisition Podcasts to Support Administrator Support for and Understanding of Adapted Physical Education
- Maya Dye (SHS), Challenges and Solutions in Engaging in Entertainment Events for Late-Deafened Older Adults: An Archival Analysis
- Joel Emil (KIN), Transition of Student Service Members and Veterans to Higher Education: A Scoping Review
- Tess Giddens-White (SHS), Speech Intelligibility with Airpods Pro
- Shaun Gillespie (SHS), Testing Speech Intelligibility Using Firefighter’s Two-Way Radios
- Liz Gremer (SHS), Increasing the Speech Intelligibility of Individuals with Down Syndrome in AI Voice Assistants
- Kate Gronlund (IHLT), Latina and Latino Experts’ Perceptions of Activity-Friendly Routes to Everyday Destinations
- Claire Grossen (IHLT), Online Adult Entertainment Platforms: Understanding Motivations and Differences between the Users and Non-Users
- Savannah Guzman (CHLH), Literature review on Impacts of Covid-19 Related Fear and Anxiety on Healthcare Workers' Substance Use
- Clarissa Harrington (CHLH), Impact of Soy Foods on Physical and Cognitive Health in Children: The Plants Optimizing Development Study (PODS) Protocol
- Samaria Harris (KIN), Rooted in Empowerment: A Qualitative Exploration of Implementing a Culturally-tailored Community Gardening Program for African American Women Using the Black History Knowledge Model
- Kate Harty (SHS), Vocal Effort in Dining Halls to Optimize Speech Intelligibility
- Norman Hernandez (KIN), A Report on Health Care Access for African American Chronic Kidney Disease Patients and How Community Health Workers Can Improve It
- Sarah Hiestand (KIN), Systematic Review on the Effects of Translation Technologies on Health Literacy in Adults
- Brittni Hollis (KIN), Examining Sex Differences in the Balance of Glenohumeral Musculature
- Katie Hopkins (IHLT), A Report on Health Care Access for African American Chronic Kidney Disease Patients and How Community Health Workers Can Improve It
- Justice Howard-Lee (CHLH), Scoping Review of Communication in a Work Context in People with Multiple Sclerosis
- TaCoria Humphrey (CHLH), Observational Study on Pocket Bully Dog and Social Interaction
- Nkem Idemudia (KIN), Exploring the Influence of Socialization on the Social and Emotional Development of Preservice Physical Education Teachers
- Camilo Jaime-Rivera (KIN), Narrative Review on the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Mental Health of Hispanic/Latino Populations
- Melinda Jara (SHS), Assessing the Benefits of a Technology-Based Social Engagement Program for Care Partners of Persons with Dementia
- Riya Kapoor (CHLH), Watch your V.I.T.A.L Signs: Versatile Informative Technology for Atrial management and Learning
- Tanya Karwande (CHLH), Association Between Indoor Particulate Matter Exposure and Childhood Adiposity
- Abigail Keasler (SHS), Increasing the Speech Intelligibility of Individuals with Down Syndrome in AI Voice Assistants
- Grace Kim (IHLT), The Sleep Health of Individuals with Visual Impairments: A Scoping Review
- Emily Kinel (SHS), Investigating Topic Maintenance and Organization to Advance Understanding of Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing
- Akshara Kumar (IHLT), Impact of Air Purification Systems on School Absenteeism and Academic Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Isabella Lau (SHS), Developing a New Test to Investigate the Impact of Classroom Noise on Children’s Listening Comprehension
- Kendell MacDonald (KIN), Exploring the Influence of Socialization on the Social and Emotional Development of Preservice Physical Education Teachers
- Bryonie Mandal (IHLT), Quality Assessment and Preliminary Review in a Systematic Literature Review Examining the Role of mHealth in Nutrition Interventions for Cardiovascular Disease
- Emma Manukian (RST), Developing a New Test to Investigate the Impact of Classroom Noise on Children’s Listening Comprehension
- Emma Manukian, SHS, How Voice Quality, Cognition, and Background Noise Impact Children's Speech Understanding
- Elizabeth Martinez (KIN), Mind Matters in Motion: Unraveling Affective Responses in High-Intensity Interval Training
- Michelle Martinez (IHLT), Perceived Barriers to Healthcare for Spanish-Speaking Chronic Kidney Disease Patients and Caregivers
- Ritu Meda (IHLT), Analysis of Postural Control Dynamics Through Foot and Shoe Size Analysis
- Natalia Mihigo (IHLT), Daily Activity Challenges in Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment
- Ethan Mudd (IHLT), Archival Analysis of Bathing Challenges Faced by Older Adults with Mobility Disabilities
- Emma Mueller (SHS), Increasing the Speech Intelligibility of Individuals with Down Syndrome in AI Voice Assistants
- Nirmal Nathan (CHLH), Prenatal Exposure to Imidacloprid Impairs Procedural Memory, Mood, and Regulation of Cognition in Mice
- Katie Naveja (KIN), The Influence of Sex on Periarticular Scapular Morphology
- Grace Nguyen (KIN), Fire Readiness in Wheelchair and Scooter Users (FEW)
- Amy Ni (IHLT), Redesign of Blood Pressure Visualizations for Enhancing User Comprehension in mHealth Applications
- Solange Nwokenkwo (KIN), Mind Over Mass: Cognitive Training's Influence on Weight Loss
- Thais Ocana (IHLT), "Nosotros Como Latinos Bailamos La Cumbia”: A Qualitative Analysis of a Remote Latin Dance Program for Latino Middle-Aged Adults
- Noah Olivero (IHLT), Unified Measurement of Virtual Reality Immersion for Older Adults
- Maya Ordaz (CHLH), A Report on Health Care Access for African American Chronic Kidney Disease Patients and How Community Health Workers Can Improve It
- Brianna Osmon (KIN), Entrainment to Naturally and Rhythmically Spoken Speech: Effect of Age and Hearing loss
- Holly Panfil (SHS), Cued Task Switching in Young Adults
- Fatima Pantoja Lara (CHLH), Engaging Older Adults with Disabilities from Racial/Ethnic Minorities in Research
- Julia Parzych (SHS), Impact of Soy Foods on Physical and Cognitive Health in Children: The Plants Optimizing Development Study (PODS) Protocol
- Anjali Patel (IHLT), Developing Mindfulness-based Intervention Based on Experiences of Postpartum Depression and Pain
- Aditi Patel (CHLH), What's Up Danger: Testing The Response of Birds to a Variety of Alarm Calls
- Greta Pearl (KIN), The Influence of Sex on Periarticular Scapular Morphology
- Corrie Penrod (SHS), Increasing the Speech Intelligibility of Individuals with Down Syndrome in AI Voice Assistants
- Maron Penrod (CHLH), The Epidemiology of Physical (In)activity and Mobility Limitation Among the Oldest Old in Brazil
- Atlas Pilchen (IHLT), Multiple Sclerosis Informal Caregivers
- Monserrat Ponce (CHLH), A Qualitative Analysis of Barriers and Facilitators among Middle-Aged Latinx Adults
- Participating in a Latin Dance Program
- Jenna Quafisheh (SHS), Investigating Topic Maintenance and Organization to Advance Understanding of Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing
- Amal Rahman (CHLH), Fiber Utilization for Energy and Life (FUEL): Investigating the Effects of a High Fiber Cereal on Fecal Bacterial Loads Using PCR
- Lizbeth Ramos (IHLT), Familial COVID-19 Stress and Infant Temperament Through the Lens of Socioeconomic Status
- Ella Redden (SHS), Developing a New Test to Investigate the Impact of Classroom Noise on Children’s Listening Comprehension
- Haseeb Rehman (IHLT), Assistive Technology for Older Adults with Hearing Disabilities Archival Analysis and Literature Review
- Tess Richey (SHS), Investigating Topic Maintenance and Organization to Advance Understanding of Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing
- Brianna Roberson (CHLH), Multiple Sclerosis Informal Caregivers
- Carly Roberts (SHS), How Voice Quality, Cognition, and Background Noise Impact Children's Speech Understanding
- Savanna Rudy (KIN), Examining Sex Differences in the Balance of Glenohumeral Musculature
- Maddie Russel (SHS), Developing a New Test to Investigate the Impact of Classroom Noise on Children’s Listening Comprehension
- Natalia Rzepa (SHS), Cued Task Switching in Young Adults
- Sabeen Sadruddin (CHLH), Engaging Asian American Family Caregivers in Clinical Trials: Findings from a Nationwide Study
- Nurudeen Salaudeen (IHLT), Scoping Review of Communication in a Work Context in People with Multiple Sclerosis
- Mobolanle Salawu (CHLH), Multiple Sclerosis Informal Caregivers
- Lani Salawu (CHLH), Scoping Review of Communication in a Work Context in People with Multiple Sclerosis
- Arya Shah (IHLT), Analysis of Postural Control Dynamics Through Foot and Shoe Size Analysis
- Brianna Sirdich (IHLT), Associations between Environmental Health Literacy and Indoor PM Exposures Among Families Living in Champaign-Urbana.
- Uwamahoro Sophie (IHLT), Correlations Between Workplace Racial/Ethnic Discrimination and Mental Health and Substance Use among US Healthcare Workers of Color
- Lauren Stec (SHS), How Voice Quality, Cognition, and Background Noise Impact Children's Speech Understanding
- Megan Stemm (SHS), Testing Speech Intelligibility Using Firefighter’s Two-Way Radios
- Adam Syed (CHLH), L-Type Amino Acid Transporter 2 (Slc7a6) Expression in Adipose Tissue Following Acute and Chronic Exercise
- Martha Szczepanski (KIN), Examining the Impacts of Sport-Specific Programs on Physical Literacy and Sports-Related Competencies for Adolescents with Physical Disabilities
- Anne Tang (CHLH), A Bibliometric Analysis of Physical Activity Policy Publications in China
- Megan Thing (SHS), Effects of Age, Hearing Loss, and Test Modality on Memory for Backward Digits
- Jae’da Thompson (IHLT), The Impact of Structural Racism on Black Residents in Champaign County
- Asritha Tunuguntla (SHS), Comparing Singers’ Perceptions of Real and VR Performance Venues
- Anika Urbonas (CHLH), Supporting Engagement and Activity Through Virtual Reality
- Ralitsa Vassileva (IHLT), Quality Assessment and Preliminary Review in a Systematic Literature Review Examining the Role of mHealth in Nutrition Interventions for Cardiovascular Disease
- Vinh Vo (IHLT), Developing A System to Report Indoor Environment and Dietary Data For Study Participant
- Valerie Weinshenker (IHLT), Assessment Preferences and Accommodations: A Comparative Study in the Classroom
- Alexa Worthley (IHLT), Usability Testing of a Digital Medication Self-Management Tool for Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment
- Dorota Wulw (SHS), Investigating Topic Maintenance and Organization to Advance Understanding of Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing
- Elliot Yoon (KIN), Exploring Genomic Imprinting Effects in Monoaminergic Cells of the Adrenal Gland and Gut Using Dopa Decarboxylase (Ddc) Allelic Reporter Mice
- Max Zagorski (IHLT), Differences in the Multidimensional Sexual Self-Concept between Transgender and Cisgender Individuals