What We Do
Solve Problems
Everything that ORPR does will be aimed at having a positive impact on communities and people. Taking the theory and research out of the labs and classrooms and applying them to the world outside of the university is the unique challenge that ORPR accepts. Solving new (and old) problems requires the ability to take research and turn it into applicable programming and solutions.
Create and Deliver Cutting Edge Resources
Surveys of the alumni shown that the main need expressed is that of access to professional development training opportunities in convenient, economical and effective products. Lack of financial resources and time on behalf of the professionals in the sectors of the RST make the need for new methods and strategies imperative
Everything that ORPR does will be aimed at having a positive impact on communities and people. Taking the theory and research out of the labs and classrooms and applying them to the world outside of the university is the unique challenge that ORPR accepts.
Share Knowledge
In the course of conducting research RST Faculty and Students uncover and utilize tremendous amounts of information and knowledge about topics and issues that can be used by professionals and stakeholders (parents, coaches, administrators) in the three focus areas. ORPR will seek to collect and organize this information in a logical structured way in order to make available and readily accessible. By acting as a repository, roadmap and clearinghouse ORPR will attempt to raise the level of shared understanding about important subjects in recreation, sport and tourism.